On Monday, Eliza Bear had strabismus surgery on one of her eyes. I have been worried sick since we found out that she needed the surgery.
We arrived at Kosair Children's Hospital at 7:45 for her 9:15 surgery. Everything went smoothly before the surgery. She was calm & in a good mood. The hard part was that she couldn't eat or drink after midnight Sunday night. At one point Danny said that Molly was fussing & I said "I need to feed her soon." & Eliza said "No, feed Lizie"! It broke my heart!
She was given some 'happy juice' to help her relax & not remember anything. It worked well & she went on back w/ the nurses w/o any complaint. I however, walked out crying.
She was in surgery for about 1 hour. We were called into a room & the Dr said the surgery went well & gave us post op instructions.
We were able to see her fairly quickly. She looked so pathetic laying there w/ her eye dressings on.
They gave her some juice in a sippy cup & then brought her a RED slushie! She was so funny w/ it. She didn't want anyone to help her or even hold the cup. Needless to say her gown & bedding were covered in the red icy drink.
Right before we left, I noticed that her breathing seemed labored. I asked our nurse to check her breathing again. There was some concern & they called the anesthesiologist back in. She decided Eliza needed a breathing treatment before she could be released.
She fell asleep on the ride home & slept for a few minutes once home. She was sooo grumpy all evening. Nothing seemed to make her happy & we did whatever she wanted. I just didn't want to see her cry.
Baby girl is doing well & at our post op appointment Tuesday the Dr said that the surgery was a success!
We are so thankful for everyone who prayed for us during this time. I had more peace that I can explain. Looking back we can see God's hand in this journey for our little girl. He is in control at all times!