Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eliza's surgery

On Monday, Eliza Bear had strabismus surgery on one of her eyes. I have been worried sick since we found out that she needed the surgery.
We arrived at Kosair Children's Hospital at 7:45 for her 9:15 surgery. Everything went smoothly before the surgery. She was calm & in a good mood. The hard part was that she couldn't eat or drink after midnight Sunday night. At one point Danny said that Molly was fussing & I said "I need to feed her soon." & Eliza said "No, feed Lizie"! It broke my heart!
She was given some 'happy juice' to help her relax & not remember anything. It worked well & she went on back w/ the nurses w/o any complaint. I however, walked out crying.
She was in surgery for about 1 hour. We were called into a room & the Dr said the surgery went well & gave us post op instructions.
We were able to see her fairly quickly. She looked so pathetic laying there w/ her eye dressings on.
They gave her some juice in a sippy cup & then brought her a RED slushie! She was so funny w/ it. She didn't want anyone to help her or even hold the cup. Needless to say her gown & bedding were covered in the red icy drink.
Right before we left, I noticed that her breathing seemed labored. I asked our nurse to check her breathing again. There was some concern & they called the anesthesiologist back in. She decided Eliza needed a breathing treatment before she could be released.
She fell asleep on the ride home & slept for a few minutes once home. She was sooo grumpy all evening. Nothing seemed to make her happy & we did whatever she wanted. I just didn't want to see her cry.
Baby girl is doing well & at our post op appointment Tuesday the Dr said that the surgery was a success!
We are so thankful for everyone who prayed for us during this time. I had more peace that I can explain. Looking back we can see God's hand in this journey for our little girl. He is in control at all times!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Eliza's eyes

Eliza has her Mommy's eyes....
not in color
but in the way she sees.
Danny was noticing her eyes turning.
I was in complete denial.
Then, Papaw noticed.
Off, to the eye specialist we went.
Eliza has strabismus & is far sighted.
The Dr gave us a prescription for eye glasses with the instructions for her to wear them all the time.
It took us a while to find glasses to fit her little face. Maybe, I didn't want to find glasses to fit her sweet face.
She took to the glasses better than we could have expected! She has done great!
We had a follow up visit with the specialist to see how Eliza was doing in her glasses.
This was to be a quick appointment.
Just look at her eyes.
Check the prescription of the lens.
Then we get to go.
That's not what happened.
The Dr wants to do surgery.
Did she know she was not even 2 yet?
Apparently, the glasses are helping w/ her vision & keeping her eyes from turning when she is looking around or looking far out.
Her eyes still turn when focusing on something up close.
She won't grow out of this.
Surgery is set in just a couple weeks & I am sick thinking of it.
Getting the surgery won't mean she won't have to wear the glasses.
Also, the Dr wants to start patching.
I let Eliza pick out one.
She picked a pink one w/ a purple butterfly on it.
She won't wear it!
Today is her birthday & I won't dare put her through that.
There's tomorrow.
I will make her wear it, even though it breaks my heart.
I will b/c I don't want her to have Mommy's eyes.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eliza's glasses

My little princess is now the proud owner of a pair of pink glasses.
We had some serious concerns when we would have her try on glasses at different places. She'd wear them for 10 seconds & then throw them off.
We picked them up & I put them on her face to adjust them & she became terribly upset. She kept crying & saying "don't like glasses". I felt so sorry for her & it made me cry. I just knew this would be a hard road for us.
However... she's done amazingly well! I am so proud of her. I think the difference in her vision scared her at first. But, now she's loving it. We notice her seeing things that she probably never saw before. She is far sighted, so she probably didn't notice things that were so close to her.
Here's a picture of my princess! I just love her little face!