I asked Davis what he was thankful for this year & this is what he said:
"I am thankful for tv & food. I even know how to spell food. F-O-O-D. I am thankful for my Mommy & Daddy. I am just thankful for everything."
"I am thankful for tv & food. I even know how to spell food. F-O-O-D. I am thankful for my Mommy & Daddy. I am just thankful for everything."
If Miss Eliza could talk, I'm sure she'd say she was thankful for food, too! My girl loves to eat & try new things. So different from big brother.
I am thankful for Jesus Christ & my salvation. I do not deserve His love & forgiveness.
I am thankful for a husband who loves me deeply & shows me daily. I am thankful for our marriage that is amazing & comfortable.
I am thankful for the 3 babies we've been blessed with. Davis is our boy who keeps us on our toes. Eliza is our princess who always surprises us, & our sweet baby Sam who is in heaven. I am thankful that I will one day get to hold him.
I am thankful for our families that our so supportive of us & our kiddos. That's our roots & it's a blessing to get to share that with our kids.
I am thankful for friends who we laugh with, cry with, & get to walk through life with. We have an amazing group of friends who I couldn't imagine not having. They love us for who we are & truly love our kids.
I am thankful for our church family that we've been a part of for over 8 years. They feel more like family to us than anything else.
I could go on & one, but I know you have turkey to eat & games to watch.
I hope this Thanksgiving you stop & remember what you're thankful for & give thanks & glory to God.